How to Find Low Competition Keywords with High Traffic

There are a few different ways that you can find low competition keywords with high traffic. One way is to use a keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner. You can enter in a seed keyword and it will return results for similar keywords.

Another way is to look at Google Trends. This tool lets you see how popular certain keywords are over time. You can also use Google AdWords to get an idea of how much traffic certain keywords get.

  • Brainstorm a list of potential keywords related to your topic
  • Use a keyword research tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or Moz Keyword Explorer to get traffic estimates for your potential keywords
  • Look for keywords with low competition and high traffic
  • You can find this information in the “Competition” and “Avg
  • monthly searches” columns in the keyword research tool you’re using
  • Prioritize these low competition, high traffic keywords for your SEO or PPC campaigns

High Traffic Low Competition Niches

When it comes to online marketing, the niche you choose can make or break your success. A high traffic low competition niche is a great way to get started in online marketing because there is less competition for keywords and phrases, making it easier to rank in search engines. Here are a few tips for finding high traffic low competition niches:

1. Use keyword research tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner and Moz Keyword Explorer to find keywords with low competition and high search volume. 2. Look for niches that have passionate followers but aren’t too saturated with content. For example, fitness and health are popular topics but there’s already a ton of content out there so it might be tough to stand out.

However, a niche like veganism might be easier to dominate since there’s not as much content available yet. 3. Find an underserved market within a larger niche. For example, within the health niche you could focus on natural remedies which is a smaller sub-niche that doesn’t have as much competition yet still has plenty of interested buyers.

4. Consider targeting local keywords if you have a physical business location or service area. This can be especially effective for small businesses that may not have the budget to compete against national brands in more competitive niches.

Low Competition Keywords List 2022

Are you looking for a low competition keywords list for 2022? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll provide you with a list of low competition keywords that you can use to dominate your niche in 2022.

Here are some of the benefits of using low competition keywords: 1. You’ll be able to rank for them more easily. 2. They’ll help you get more traffic from organic search.

3. They’re usually less expensive to bid on if you’re doing paid advertising. 4. You can use them to target long-tail phrases that are easier to convert.

High Search Volume Low Competition Keywords Youtube

When it comes to ranking on YouTube, high search volume low competition keywords are key. But what exactly are they? And how can you find them?

High search volume low competition keywords are simply phrases that have a high number of searches per month but relatively low competition. This means that there aren’t as many people trying to rank for these keywords, making it easier for you to get your videos to the top of YouTube’s search results. There are a few ways to find high search volume low competition keywords.

The first is to use YouTube’s Keyword Planner tool. Simply enter in a seed keyword andYouTube will provide you with a list of related keywords and their average monthly searches. From there, you can further filter the results by competition level, choosing only those keywords with low competition.

Another way to find high search volume low competition keywords is through manual research. Start by searching for your seed keyword on YouTube and taking a look at the suggested terms that appear below the search bar. These are typically other popular phrases related to your initial keyword that people are searching for on YouTube.

You can also check out the “Up next” section on related videos to see what other titles pop up – these can give you some great ideas for new content topics that people are interested in. Once you have a list of potential high search volume low competition keywords, it’s time to start optimizing your videos around them. This means including the keyword in places like your video title, description, tags, and even transcripts (if applicable).

By doing this, you’ll make it easier for YouTube’s algorithm to understand what your video is about and surface it in relevant searches – helping you boost views and engagement from your target audience!

How to Find Low Competition Keywords for Fiverr

If you’re a freelancer on Fiverr, one of the most important things you can do is to choose low competition keywords for your gigs. This will help you get found more easily by potential clients, and it will also help you rank higher in the search results. There are a few different ways to find low competition keywords.

One way is to use the Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool. Just enter in a seed keyword that describes what you do, and then the tool will show you related keywords and their average monthly searches. The lower the competition, the better!

Another great way to find low competition keywords is to simply look through Fiverr’s own search results. Start by searching for your main keyword, and then take a look at all of the results that come up. If there aren’t many results with that keyword, or if most of them are from new sellers, then chances are it’s not too competitive.

Finally, don’t forget to ask your buyers what they were searching for when they found you. This can give you some great insight into which keywords are working well for you and which ones you might want to focus on in the future.

Low Competition Keywords Generator

When it comes to SEO, low competition keywords are essential for driving traffic to your website. But how do you find these elusive gems? That’s where a low competition keyword generator comes in handy.

There are a number of different ways to go about finding low competition keywords. One popular method is to use Google’s Keyword Planner tool. Simply enter a seed keyword into the tool and it will return a list of related keywords, along with data on each keyword’s monthly search volume and average CPC.

Another great way to find low competition keywords is by using Google Trends. This free tool lets you compare the relative popularity of different keywords over time. So if you’re looking for seasonal or trending keywords, this is a great place to start your research.

Once you’ve compiled a list of potential keywords, it’s time to start evaluating their competition levels. There are a few different ways to do this, but one simple method is to use Google Search results. Simply enter each keyword into Google and take note of the number of results that come up.

The fewer results there are, the lower the level of competition for that keyword. Once you’ve identified some low competition keywords that are relevant to your business, it’s time to start incorporating them into your SEO strategy.

Low Competition Keywords Finder

If you’re looking for low competition keywords, there are a few places you can look. First, try using a keyword research tool like the Google Keyword Planner or Wordtracker. These tools will allow you to enter in a seed keyword and see related keywords with low competition.

Another great way to find low competition keywords is to simply Google your seed keyword and scroll through the results. If there are a lot of big brands ranking for that keyword, it’s likely to be high competition. However, if you see mostly small businesses and bloggers, then the keyword is probably lower competition.

Finally, another strategy for finding low competition keywords is to look at long tail keywords. These are phrases that are more specific and often have less search volume than broader terms. However, they can be easier to rank for because there’s less competition.

To sum up, if you’re looking for low competition keywords, try using a keyword research tool like the Google Keyword Planner or Wordtracker. You can also Google your seed keyword and scroll through the results to see if it’s high or low competition. Or, try looking at long tail keywords which are usually lower competition.

How to Find Low Competition Keywords for Youtube

Looking to dominate your competition on YouTube? It all starts with finding the right keywords. And in this post, I’m going to show you how to find low competition keywords for YouTube that will help you get more views, subscribers, and ultimately, more revenue.

Why Keyword Research is Important If you want to be successful on YouTube (or any other platform), keyword research is essential. Keyword research allows you to:

Find out what people are searching for online Understand what type of content is already out there Identify opportunities in the market And much more… If you don’t do keyword research, it’s like driving in the dark – you have no idea where you’re going or what obstacles are ahead. You might get lucky and find success, but it’s more likely that you’ll waste time and effort producing content that nobody wants to watch.

How to Find Low Competition Keywords Step #1: Brainstorm a List of Potential Topics To start your keyword research, brainstorm a list of potential topics that your target audience would be interested in. These can be broad topics or specific niche concepts – it doesn’t matter at this stage. The goal is simply to come up with as many ideas as possible.

To get the wheels turning, here are some questions you can ask yourself: What problems does my target audience have? What would they like to learn about? What type of content do they consume?

What are they passionate about? Once you have a good list of potential topics, it’s time to move on to step 2… Step #2: Enter Your Topics Into Google’s Keyword Planner The next step is to take your list of potential topics and enter them into Google’s free keyword tool – the KeyWord Planner . This tool will allow you see how often people are searching for each term, as well as provide some additional information such as related keywords and phrases.

Simply create a new campaign (you don’t need an actual campaign) and then click “Keywords Ideas.” From there, enter in each of your potential topics one at a time: As you can see from the example above, there isn’t much search volume for “How to make slime” – only around 1-10k per month.

Low Competition Meaning

When it comes to business, the term “low competition” can have a few different meanings. For some businesses, low competition means there are few other businesses offering the same product or service in their area. This can be an advantage for these businesses, as they may be able to charge higher prices and/or have less need for marketing and advertising expenditures.

Other businesses may view low competition as meaning there are few potential customers for their product or service. While this could be seen as a negative, it could also present opportunities for these businesses to capture a larger share of the market. Still others might see low competition as indicating an industry with little room for growth.

In this case, businesses may need to innovate in order to survive and thrive. No matter how you define it, low competition can present both challenges and opportunities for businesses. It’s important to carefully assess your situation before making any decisions about how to proceed.

How to Find Low Competition Keywords With High Traffic Free?

There are a number of ways to find low competition keywords with high traffic for free. The most effective method is to use a keyword research tool like the Google AdWords Keyword Planner or Both of these tools allow you to enter a seed keyword and then see related keywords with their estimated monthly search volume.

You can then filter the results by competition level, which will show you only those keywords that have low competition. Another way to find such keywords is to simply brainstorm some ideas related to your niche and then check their search volume and competition level using the above-mentioned tools. This approach requires more time and effort but it’s definitely worth it if you want to find truly profitable keywords.

Once you’ve found some low competition keywords with high traffic, it’s important to target them in your SEO efforts in order to rank higher in search engine results pages and get more organic traffic. So, make sure to include them in your website content, title tags, meta descriptions, etc.

How Do You Find Keywords With High Search Volume And Low Competition?

There are a few methods for finding keywords with high search volume and low competition. The first method is to use keyword research tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner, Wordtracker, or Moz Keyword Explorer. These tools will show you the average monthly search volume for a given keyword, as well as the level of competition for that keyword.

Another method is to simply do a Google search for your target keyword. Scroll through the results and take note of the domains that are ranking on the first page. If there are mostly big brands or well-established websites, then that keyword is likely to have high competition.

However, if you see a lot of small businesses or lesser-known websites ranking, then the competition is probably not too fierce. Finally, you can also check out social media sites like Twitter and YouTube to see what kind of conversation is happening around your target keywords. If people are actively talking about a certain topic, it’s likely that there’s less competition for keywords related to that topic.

How to Find Low Competition Keywords With High Traffic Youtube?

There are a few different ways that you can find low competition keywords with high traffic on YouTube. The first way is to use the YouTube Keyword Planner tool. This tool allows you to enter in a seed keyword and then see related keywords that have high search volume but low competition.

Another way to find these types of keywords is to simply do a manual search on YouTube. Start by searching for your seed keyword and then take a look at the suggested keywords that come up. These are typically going to be low competition keywords with high traffic.

Finally, you can also use a third-party keyword research tool like KW Finder or SEMRush. These tools will allow you to enter in your seed keyword and then see a list of related keywords along with their traffic estimates. This is a great way to quickly find low competition keywords that have high traffic potential.

How Do I Get High Traffic Keywords?

There are a variety of ways to get high traffic keywords. One way is to use keyword research tools such as the Google AdWords Keyword Planner and Wordtracker. These tools will help you to identify popular keywords that people are searching for.

You can then incorporate these keywords into your website and blog content in order to attract more visitors. Another way to get high traffic keywords is through social media. Platforms such as Twitter and Facebook allow you to share your content with a large audience.

If you include popular keywords in your posts, then you will be more likely to attract views and clicks from potential customers. Finally, you can also use pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to target high traffic keywords. PPC ads appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) when people search for relevant terms.

By bidding on popular keywords, you can ensure that your ad appears prominently on SERPs, thus increasing the chances of attracting clicks and web traffic.


If you want to find low competition keywords with high traffic, the best place to start is by looking at your own website. Use Google Analytics to see which keywords people are already using to find your site. Then, use a keyword research tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or Wordtracker to find related keywords that have less competition.

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